Terms & Condition

Art Too Well


•subs @ArtTooWell terlebih dahulu•payment first & only ShopeePay, Dana, OVO & Qriss•foto harus dari buyer, dikirim via file telegram/gdrive.•dilarang menggunakan foto anime, foto haram/fansite/pm/weverse/bubble•proses pengerjaan maximal 7 hari, tergantung kesibukan & aktivitas. kindly check bio untuk lebih tau nya sedang bisa inrush/tidak•isi format dengan jelas & detail, pastikan tidak ada bagian yang kosong/terlewatkan•revisi minimal 3 kali, lebih dari 3 akan terkena fee tambahan, jadi replace text & foto harus sesuai ga boleh asal. text harus pas, tidak kepanjangan/kependekan•setelah isi form silahkan tunggu & cek order list untuk melihat progres orderan kamu, don't forget to read points 4!! jika sudah selesai jangan lupa untuk memberikan testi:D•send form order ke @rrauwel


•subs @ArtTooWell first•payment first & only ShopeePay, Dana, OVO & Qriss•photos must be from the buyer, sent via telegram/gdrive file.•forbidden to use anime picture/haram picture/fansite/pm/weverse/bubble picture•maximum processing time is 7 days, depending on the busyness & activity. Kindly check bio to find out more can inrush or not•fill the format clearly & deetailed, make sure there are no blank/missed sections•revision at least 3 times, more than 3 will be subject to additional fees, so replace text & photos must be appropriate, can't be hopeless
•after filling out the form, please wait & check the order list to see the progress of your order, don't forget to read points 4!! if it's finished don't forget to give a honest review :D•send order form to @rrauwel

@ArtTooWell on telegram